My research

Developments and applications of statistical methods in cancer epidemiology

Selected Publications

Socioeconomic environment and disparities in cancer survival for 19 solid tumor sites: An analysis of the French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM) data


Association between age, deprivation and specific comorbid conditions and the receipt of major surgery in patients with non-small cell lung cancer in England: A population-based study


Describing the association between socioeconomic inequalities and cancer survival: methodological guidelines and illustration with population-based data


Data-Adaptive Estimation for Double-Robust Methods in Population-Based Cancer Epidemiology: Risk differences for lung cancer mortality by emergency presentation


A multilevel excess hazard model to estimate net survival on hierarchical data allowing for non-linear and non-proportional effects of covariates

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A log-rank-type test to compare net survival distributions

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Recent Publications

More Publications

Socioeconomic environment and disparities in cancer survival for 19 solid tumor sites: An analysis of the French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM) data


Association between age, deprivation and specific comorbid conditions and the receipt of major surgery in patients with non-small cell lung cancer in England: A population-based study


Describing the association between socioeconomic inequalities and cancer survival: methodological guidelines and illustration with population-based data


Data-Adaptive Estimation for Double-Robust Methods in Population-Based Cancer Epidemiology: Risk differences for lung cancer mortality by emergency presentation


Persistent inequalities in 90-day colon cancer mortality: an English cohort study

PDF PubMed

Cancer incidence in the AGRICAN cohort study (2005-2011)


Recent Posts

Setup Method: Mixture cure models with age and year as continuous covariables In the following models, we assumed a non-linear effect of age at diagnosis both on the survival probability for the uncured and on the probability of cure. However, for the year of diagnosis, we fitted 4 models, which vary depending on linear or non-linear effect assumed for the year of diagnosis on either the survival probability of the uncured or the probability of cure.


This is an example of analysis that can be done using the R-package mexhaz. This package allows to fit flexible hazard model in the framework of overall survival or net survival (i.e. excess hazard), with/wihout time-dependent effects for covariates, with/without non-linear effect and with/without random effect defined at the cluster level. Start The first step is to install the mexhaz package from the CRAN website. It needs to be done only the first time you’re using mexhaz, as the next time, mexhaz will be automatically pre-installed in your R session.


Create a beautifully simple website or blog in under 10 minutes. A must read if you liked the format of my website because I simply followed the proposed example.



General structure for hazard-based regression models

We propose flexible parametric excess hazards models with a general hazard structure that contains the Proportional Hazards, Accelerated Hazards, and Accelerated Failure Time structures as particular cases.

Methodological Guidelines to Study Cancer survival inequalities

In this project, we aim to provide guidelines for describing the association between socio-economic inequalities and cancer survival.

An overview of measures to summarize survival data

An overview of measures to summarize survival data for research and public health policy: illustration of their use to quantify socioeconomic inequalities in cancer patients.

Flexible hazard regression models for analysing multilevel data

Development of statistical methods to estimate the (excess) mortality hazard when analysing time-to-event data, while taking account of the hierarchical structure in the data


I teach on the Medical Statistics MSc at the London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, in the following modules:

  • Survival Analysis
  • Generalised Linear Models
  • Introduction to Statistical Computing: the R software

I am also involved in teaching during our popular short course Cancer Survival: Principles, Methods and Applications
